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Writer's pictureJamie Goll

Do any of these sound like your hair loss journey?

Here are just a few examples of hair loss that could be you!

Take my own hair loss journey and a few others as examples and let me know if any of this resonates with you. I want to not only help you on your journey, but I want to educate you on how you came to this point, how we can change that and how we can improve your health all at the same time.

I was young, early twenties, when I noticed I was thinner than normal. It was actually a co-worker, fellow stylist, that noticed it at work.

"Jamie, you need to tease your hair in your crown, I can see so much of your scalp back there. It's isn't covering right. Do you have a bad cowlick?"

Huh? I checked with a mirror and was mortified with what I saw. I've never had thin hair in the crown of my head like that!

Now, I admit, I did not take the best care of myself back then. I was in my early 20's, I think 21 at the time, and was partying way more than I should have, that's for sure. Late 90's, rave parties or if not rave parties, drinking at the bars. Eating after bar time, not sleeping enough before working all day then to do it all over again after work. Yikes, no wonder I was losing hair! I figured because of what I was doing to my body: not eating right, or even enough. Partying, staying up way too late, etc. No wonder my hair is suffering. Well, I guess it is what it is and I'll just have to make sure I'm careful when I style my hair so it covers. Then, I went to the doctor. Just an annual visit. I knew I was gaining weight but I didn't realize to what extent. I had gained over 50 lbs in less than a year! Holy sheeeep! My doc ran some bloodwork, a lot of bloodwork. Everything was fine. My thyroid was in the low end of the scale but in the normal range still. So Doc told me what every doctor after that told me. Everything is fine, you just need to get your diet under control. Oh man, if I had to get it under control any more at that time, I wouldn’t eat at all!

Does that sound familiar? Maybe not...

Maybe you are in your upper 40's, maybe 50's. Your hair has been looking thinner and thinner on top and you're not sure why. Well, your Mom was thin in her older age, so you figure you just need to deal with it. Or , your thyroid has always been a little off so you chalk it up to that and just think you have to deal with it. However, things are changing. Hormones are changing, your schedule is the busiest it's ever been. Working, kids sports, kids social events, your own social events (haha, right?), entertaining clients for work oh and don't forget the muffins for the bake sale. Meal planning is non existent and just running and picking up dinner from somewhere sounds like the routine these days. Busy life is stressful and we don't realize the toll our bodies (AND OUR HAIR) the stress of busy life gives us. Just because our stress isn't "bad" stress or traumatizing stress it doesn't mean that stress is reeking havoc on our hair and bodies.

Or maybe this is you…

Any age, your hair seems thinner and not as healthy as it used to be. It seems to break easier and it never used to do that before. You use all the products your stylist uses for moisture and maybe even some protein treatments but nothing seems to be working. You don't even color it that much and/or you don't typically use anything to lighten your hair, so you don’t think it's your hair color routine doing it. How do you feel? Your tired all the time. No amount of coffee is cutting it anymore, you're just so fatigued. You still get through normal activities of life because well, life. You think you eat pretty well. You eat a standard "balanced" diet we've always been taught to eat. Protein, dairy, grains/breads, fruits & veggies with almost every meal. You see your doctor regularly and according to your bloodwork, everything is "normal" except maybe you're a bit low in vitamin d and possible some iron. No big deal, you think. I'll just take these supplements and everything will be better. But it's not. You maybe have some more energy since those D levels are getting back up but your hair is still thin and not as healthy.

If any of these sound like you, you're in the right place.

There are so many other examples of situations I can give, these are just a few. There is definitely a "gap" between hair loss, the beauty industry and medicine. Between my holistic hair loss knowledge and functional nutrition training, this is where I can bridge the gap between doctors, dermatologists and hairstylists. I go way further than skin deep. We must actually find out the root causes of all of these "symptoms". I am here to teach you that your symptoms are not the causes of your hair loss, there is always a deeper rooted issue. I am here to help dive into the roots, clear the mucky waters in your system, and reverse your hair loss issues. Stick around with me and you will learn how to do just that while also improving your health and even preventing other dis-ease from happening in your body.

If you are ready to ge a hold of your hair loss issues, click and I am happy to help.

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