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Writer's pictureJamie Goll

Weight Loss... How the hell do you do it successfully?!

Updated: May 17, 2023

The only TRUE way to lose weight and have it be sustainable...

I know you've tried literally everything. Everything from low fat diets, low carb, keto, paleo, low calorie, exercised until you couldn't move, vegan, whole 30, maybe even depriving yourself, the list goes on. Sure, you lost weight, you felt good. You even bought new clothes! Girl, good for you!! Then.... it happened.... the weight started to come back on. Damnit! Then, you feel guilty. You're mad at yourself and wonder why you sabotaged yourself yet again.

"I even did the healthy diet" you think to yourself. "I just don't get it." Those are the words, frustrations and self-disappointment we all go through. Is there actually a way for us to lose weight, keep it off and not have to worry about if we sabotage ourselves once we hit our goals? Yes, it is 100% possible!

In my Functional Nutrition Counseling, my focus isn't on weight loss, it's on bringing us back to health and healing us so we can have the best hair and health possible. However, I've had so many people reaching out to me about weight loss so I decided to write this since I know it will help.

As promised, I am always here for you, every step of the way in your health journey. Losing weight is at times necessary for your health to improve, so I'm here to help.

Your guide to sustainable weight loss for improved health & happiness

Just think, following a few easy steps can actually bring you to a healthy and happy weight.


Your weight loss Journey is Unique

No two people are the same. Everyone is carrying extra weight for different reasons. There is not a one size fits all option to anything and weight loss is no different. Your body, your history, your stress and lifestyle habits are completely different than someone else.

This means since your story is so different, so should be your nutrition and lifestyle choices for losing weight and staying healthy. Your body requires different nutrients than someone else. Your body also has, or could have, different food sensitivities than someone else. Our bodies also hold onto stress differently than someone else. Sometimes we hold onto extra weight because our hormones are not balanced. We might have extra weight because we focus our food intake at the wrong time of day for what our bodies require. We may have inflammation in our bodies that we may need to decrease. There are seriously hundreds of reasons why we carry extra weight. Overeating? Of course that's all part of it, but cutting back our portions and depriving ourselves isn't the sustainable answer at all.

The whole point is that we need to sit and dive deep down into everything about YOU and your WHOLE story. We can truly uncover so much just by communicating and uncovering details about you, your health history, and your stresses that can pinpoint where our pain points are with weight loss. And, we also must address mindset all at the same time.

The process of Discovery...

So, ready to know the process of your new self?? Well, we don't even focus on the weight. Wait, HUH??? Nope, we don't at all. I mean, sure, you are more than welcome to take all of your measurements on day one of your journey, take "before" photos of your body, and then keep track of your inches you will be losing. However, not once will I focus on your weight at all. I will teach you how we will focus on your health and on your mindset only, and the weight will just fall into place. I promise.

Sounds easy, right?

Well, in theory, why wouldn't it be easy? Ha, I guess if it were easy, we all would have the joyful weight we desire. The truth is, yes, it really can be easy. We have an amazing formula to follow for our own unique self-healing and weight loss. We just have to have the right mindset for it, and I'm here to help with that. See, in the process we follow, I will educate you on the exact "why" behind everything so your mind will start to have that paradigm shift it needs to be successful.

First and foremost, I will take you through the exact exploratory intake process I take everyone through. That's truly what makes your weight loss so sustainable. We discover what is exactly true for you and your body. Your body will have some unique needs on what it requires to function optimally and the side effects of that journey is weight loss. You will shed the extra weight your body no longer wants to hold on to. We will for certain address the inflammation, digestion stressors, your sleep patterns and even genetic components. Once we address those things, we will then move onto any food sensitivities we discover that you probably don't realize you have. So many times we end up having an inflammatory response to a certain food, and we typically don't make the connection that our body is holding onto extra weight because of it. We will go to depths you haven't thought of when it comes to your weight, and that is another reason why this is the only sustainable way. We don't have to focus on calorie counting or counting MACROS or carbs. We just need to focus on what your body actually wants.

The beauty of this journey is the journey itself

I meant when I say I'm with you every step of the way, I meet you where you are at, and we will make changes at a healthy pace that you control. Don't let it be overwhelming. Life is already overwhelming half the time and this doesn't have to be. This could be the greatest gift of self care you could ever give yourself.

And, you can get started today! I know I always say that I will never give out a protocol without going through our exploratory intake process first, and I stand by that 100%. I will do this, though. Just something to get you started on a healthy journey. I talked earlier about how we will address digestion issues in this journey. Start paying attention to your digestion throughout the day. When you eat, how do you feel? How do you feel afterwards? Even an hour or two later, how do you feel? Start making connections to how certain foods make you feel. Both physically and emotionally. Giving yourself more awareness around how your body is operating can be very enlightening.

Do you think you're ready to start this journey to getting to new you that you've been dreaming of forever, all while improving your health, energy and mental health? WOAH, that's pretty amazing! Head over to fill out the Discovery Form here We will then set up a COMPLIMENTARY strategy session with you. This way you can decide if what I do is a fit for what you are looking for.

I can't wait to meet you!

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