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2024 New Season, New Intentions

YES! It's a whole new season! I know it's normal to think that because it is is new calendar year, we should have all of these new goals, resolutions, and BIG action plans for said resolutions. Well, in all the years that I have set New Year's resolutions, do you know how many of them I have accomplished in said intended year? None. That's right, none of them. Sound familiar? I bet it does. We all have the new excitement of the new year/new beginnings, and we push ourselves to come up with a great plan of achieving our goals. Come February, those goals just flew out the window, didn't they? Yeah, I know. Happened that way for me, too.

Don't worry, I believe there is one thing that is partially the reason why. It's not the RIGHT season to explode with new action plans and grinding. Nope, it really isn't. Naturally, winter is a time for hibernation, rest and release. It's a season for reflection, rest and self-care. Well, every season has levels of self-care, but winter is definitely a time to focus inward. Over the years, I have really began to switch my focus around this time of year. Winter, especially in Wisconsin, is definitely a time of slowing down. It gets cold, sometimes REALLY cold. Snow comes. We eat differently, we socialize differently, we dress differently, and all over we just do things differently than we would when the weather is warm, the sun is providing the natural happy supplement, and we are more on the go! Just like animals do in nature, we also naturally slow down. No wonder why these resolutions never stick!

I personally don't even like to focus on the term "New Years". Winter is the time of dormancy, not growth and new beginnings like Spring. Instead, I just like to welcome the "New Season"! So, what does this season of reflection and rest mean? Let's dive into it.

Reflect & Release

Let's take a look back at our past seasons. The seasons of 2023. How did 2023 feel for you? What were the happy moments? Sad moments? Joyous moments? Overwhelming? Stressful? Exciting? Touching? What things worked well for you? What things didn't?  

Now, let's shift and think about what kinds of things can we let go of and leave behind? Emotions? Heartbreak? Physical pains? Sickness? Stress? Environmental toxins? If you said yes to even ONE of these things, THIS is the season to work on that. Sit in silence on it. Journal about it. Pray about it, whatever calls to you. Check photos in your phone. Look back at your calendar to remember all the things that happened, things you did. Really give yourself some time to dig in deep and remember the moments. , and really think about your feelings around all of it, and truly think about what you WANT to release and leave behind.

Once we figure out everything we want to release this season, then it's time to set what INTENTIONS we have for this new season. It doesn't have to be big lofty goals. Maybe your last few seasons were a bit stressful and overwhelming, therefore your intentions for this next season is to find more ease in your life. Maybe your last few seasons were feeling depressed and sad, therefore your intentions for this winter is to let go of feelings of sadness and start finding more feelings of joy in your life. Maybe your last seasons were filled with lots of joy and excitement, so your intention is to keep finding more of that!

As soon as we know what our true intentions are for the season, pay attention to your body. Our bodies tend to automatically feel slightly relaxed knowing we are energetically on our way to more joy, ease and happiness. Even if you are just wanting to physically feel better, all you have to do first, is simply just set that genuine intention. There were so many different moments in our life in 2023, and so many feelings in each moment. Sit with it for a while and really reflect on how you felt last year, and how you WANT to feel this season.

Confused on what to reflect on?

Don't over think this. It's easy! Here are a few things to think about, and you can let your mind brain dump for you.

  • What went well with & what didn't in my relationships in 2023? Kids? Significant other? Family? Friends?

  • What went well and what didn't with my job? Hobbies?

  • What did I do to bring joy into my life? Do I have hobbies? Travels? Spend quality time with the ones I truly wanted to?

  • What have I done to honor myself? Did I eat well? Get enough sleep? Have fun? Take good care of my hair? Set any healthy boundaries? Take care of my body?

  • How did I FEEL last year? Happy ? Sad? Fatigued? Overwhelmed? Excited? At ease? Peaceful? Angry? Anxious?

  • What feelings and things do we want to let go of? What do we NOT want to feel and/or do anymore?

  • What feelings do I DESIRE to feel?

AHH, Do you feel that? Do you??

Its like your shoulders just dropped a little bit, didn't they? You may have this little lingering sweet smirk on your face. Know why? Because your mind and body know that you are energetically aligned to a season of more ease. But, what do you do now? Not much! LOL, I bet you were not expecting that answer! I don't mean to go run and hide and hibernate until Spring. No, I mean just take time to release the stressful feelings. Give yourself time and patience to just allow time to be for a bit. 30 minutes of reflection and intention setting doesn't just automatically mean you're good to go for those big actions. You don't even know what those actions are yet!

Sometimes the best self care we can give ourselves is rest. I know, I know, you don't feel like you have time to rest! You do. Trust me. When you are sitting and scrolling your phone or watching t.v., you can just pivot a bit and sit in some silence. We ALL can carve out 20-30 minutes a day for a little bit of quiet time. When you sit and keep reflecting, you will start to come up with some ideas that don't sound too grueling, or too taxing to do.

It doesn’t take much to start honoring yourself, your body & how you feel. It doesn’t matter how you look if you don’t feel good. Here are some small steps to start allowing yourself some joy, comfort & ease without it feeling grueling or hard.

  • Do you enjoy reading? Snuggle up this winter with some inspiring, empowering books. It’s amazing to learn something new to add to your self-care journey. 

  • Give your skin a good makeover at home. Not just your face, your whole body from scalp to toe.  Easy ideas: body brushing, skin and scalp exfoliation, foot scrubs, take lovely baths with aromatherapy bath salts, use lotions & oils to hydrate.

  • Make yourself some healthy snacks & mocktails, and get together with a close friend for some self-care quality time and good laughs.

  • Drink more water. Add some lemon into it. Your digestive system will thank you for it.

  • Research some things you might want to start doing to help our intentions bloom come Spring.

Ok, now that we have these simple steps, are you excited for this season? This season of rest & reflection so that we can have some major growth? Of course, I'm talking about some healthy hair growth, hehe.

If you are wanting any advice, or direction on good books, self care items, and other needs for this season, you know where to find me. I have everything you need for your season of rest, care, comfort & health.

Here's to you! And this charming season of ease and rest.

Love you all!

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